We carry out inspection and certification in accordance with the BS standard and international standards and the local statutory regulation for all the lifting equipment.In many countries, there are local statutory regulations that apply to all premises with regards to their health and safety laws – one such example is the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) in the UK. Conforming to these requirements is crucial for companies as failure to do so may result in penalties from governing bodies.
The purpose of the present Classification Notes is to provide the user with general information and a tool for assessing the acceptance level of deterioration in hull structures
A ships original scantlings are normally based on minimum requirements according to the rules for Classification of Ships applicable at the time of construction but may also include additions due to the initial owners requirements or special building practices. However, there has been an extensive development in ship design and optimization of scantlings during the last 20-30 years, and this development has in general contributed to reduced corrosion margins. Provision of a good corrosion protection system is, therefore, now more important than ever. As not all designs and circumstances can be covered, the instructions herein should be used with particular caution. Acceptance of repair extent and method must be given by the Society. See PDF
The principle in this document is that general corrosion allowances will follow DNV and GL rules. This is due to differences in the existing rules where GL rules are based on a net thickness approach where the maximum general corrosion margin in service (tk) is defined in the approval stage. DNV rules do not describe the maximum corrosion allowance in service and provided the longitudinal stress level and buckling capacity is acceptable, reductions beyond the new building corrosion allowance (tk) may be accepted. However local corrosion criterias such as pitting, grooving and edge corrosion apply to both DNV and GL ships
Ultrasonic thickness measurement of ships has to be carried out as a manner/means to detect, monitor, and hence. See PDF